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Germany (and possible solutions...)

  • Germans return deposit bottles to grocery stores and gather glass bottles at public collecting points 

  • Germany = recycling role model

  • Green dot system = companies pay a fee for the collection, sorting, and recovery of packaging waste 

  • 2017: the World Economic Forum called Germany the recycling world champion 


  • It can be assumed that only 38 percent of Germany’s 3 million tons of annual plastic packaging waste was recycled according to circular economy expert Philipp Sommer from the DUH

  • In larger cities, 50 percent of general trash ends up in the yellow bins set aside for plastic, which contaminates its value 

  • Automated facilities do not have the technology to sort food containers made from different polymers/types of plastic, so a lot of mixed plastic ends up being discarded 

    • All the rejected waste is sent to landfills or is incinerated, but this is still labeled as being “recycled”

  • Downcycling: recycled plastic cannot produce new packaging material — they can only be made to produce cheaper quality materials, such as coat hangers and flower pots, that will ultimately be thrown away anyway 

  • In order to make new plastic packaging, the understudy must add new material (crude oil)

  • Bottles composed of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) can be sanitized and refilled 25 times before being recycled — glass bottles can be used 50 times before being recycled 

  • Germany has the biggest collection system for reusable PET and glass bottles 

  • Circular economy: by producing less plastic waste, we would save the resources needed to dispose of it while simultaneously protecting the environment 


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