The Plastic Problem
The Plastic Problem (2019)
120 million plastic bottles used everyday
Easter Island Microplastic problem coming from the South Pacific garbage patch
If current habits continue, it is predicted that by 2050, there will be more plastics in our ocean than fish
Every piece of plastic ever produced is likely still here in some form
Plastic in a lake can be more dangerous than in an ocean because it is smaller and leaves less room to dilute it
While about 1 in 4 fish in the ocean has plastic in their stomach, every single fish in Lake Ontario has at least one piece of microplastic in their stomachs
More than 9 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced since 1950, which weighs more than 27,000 Empire State buildings or more than a billion elephants
Plastic = convenient, durable, limitless, cheap, useful
Disposable needles
Prosthetic limbs
Annual production of plastic is 200 times greater than in 1950
Recycling was at its best in the US during the Great Depression and WWII
Keep America Beautiful Ad = funded by packaging manufacturers
The global recycling rate is estimated to be 9 percent
Recycling is part of the problem
You can’t cycle materials through a system forever — it needs to be disposed eventually
Only solution = make less plastic
Americans create 4.5 pounds of trash per person per day
There are 7 types of plastic, and not every type can be reused
Plastics from the US were sent to China until March of 2018 when they refused to buy anymore and be “the world’s dumping ground”
Malaysia became the world’s greatest importer of plastic waste until they banned imports in 2018
This pushed smugglers to collect and burn plastic in illegal grounds farther into the jungle
40 percent of all plastic is single use packaging
Bans of single use plastic in Dominica, Scotland, Rwanda, etc.
Only 25% of Americans fully support a national ban on single use plastic
Preemption bans keep local government from making plastic bans
The vast majority of small items such as straws fall through the machinery and are unable to be recycled
“Put on your big boy pants and get used to it” — Bob Donegan, owner of Ivar’s restaurant in Seattle (in reference to his restaurant’s use of compostable straws)
Vendors at Seattle Mariners stadium are required to use compostable products
Canadians are more likely to pay more to reduce waste compared to Americans
Reusing and recycling will not be the solution, especially when 91 percent of the world’s plastic goes unrecycled
Coca Cola sells over 120 billion plastic bottles a year
Laid end to end, those bottles could wrap around the earth 700 times
British company MacREBUR makes recycled plastic pellets into asphalt to create longer lasting and cheaper roads
The only large scale total elimination process for plastic is incineration, but that can release toxic chemicals into the air
Plastic eating bacteria?
Right now, they are too slow for our use
Early stages
Brewery waste used to make wrapping that is transparent, compostable, and edible
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